Skin rejuvenation device

Technology does not stand still and we try to follow them. Our masters have already mastered one of the most progressive aging techniques - fracture product and now they will apply it in practice. This spring, a carbon dioxide laser for eliminating light pollution will appear in the beauty salon.

The device opens up new possibilities for correcting age-related skin changes. It removes aesthetic imperfections, even on a more advanced level.

Properties of refractory light heat

The effects of rejuvenation come from the energy of the carbon dioxide solvent - it stimulates the active production of collagen fibers in the skin. The action of the operation is based on the properties of the skin to produce new, fresh fibers instead of destroyed ones. The laser "explodes" the skin with stimulants that affect the collagen framework. Old, stretched fibers are destroyed. Instead, new fibers form new, denser ones. Loose skin with wrinkles and age spots is replaced with new ones - smooth and dense.

The laser system produces radiation with a wavelength of 10 600 nm. This is sufficient for complete evaporation of collagen in the treated areas, while the surrounding tissue is intact. The solvent acts on the skin according to the principle of sieving and divides the areas of pulsed treatment into untouched areas. This reduces the load on the web and the cosmetic effect is the same. When rejuvenating the skin, fiber in entire areas is also included. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.

Tips for paralysis

The laser system removes aesthetic skin defects, including after injuries:

  • Wrinkles of any severity. The technology is suitable for rejuvenating the most sensitive area of the face - the area around the eyes.
  • Loss of tone. After elimination of light heat, the affected areas are hardened, the skin denser and more elastic.
  • Prominent stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs and chest (striae). Photo protection helps to restore the skin quickly after birth.
  • Scars and scars left in place of acne and pustules (after acne).
  • Benign tumors (warts, moles).
  • Pigmented spots of any area.
Fragile regeneration removes major aesthetic flaws in the face

The laser is equipped with a smart scanner that adjusts the length of the beams and the distance between the pulse points according to the treatment area. This ensures full control of the phototherapy process. Repeated exposure to the same areas within the same procedure is excluded.

In the hands of experienced professionals, the laser turns into an ideal device for rejuvenation. It is a pleasure to watch your skin recover day by day. Sign up for a seamless phototherapy treatment with beauticians.